Phen Phen Lawsuit Loans

Phen Phen Lawsuit Funding If you have suffered illness or injury after using Fenfluramine or Dexfenfluramine (the most widely used “phen-phen” products that were pulled from the market; also were marketed under the names Pondimin and Redux), then you may be entitled to compensation. However, due to the nationwide class action suit that was settled in 2002, your course of action to receive entitlements may need to be altered. What you’re entitled to may also be affected by the suit or other legal actions. If health problems have only recently began that are due to these drugs, then your chances of successfully filing your suit are heightened. Only an attorney who is very familiar with the history and tedious rules that revolve around this kind of lawsuit will be able to determine if you have a case, and what your entitlements would be. Get a loan today

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